How a Green Wall Will Benefit You And Your Business

Green Walls (aka "living walls") are wall structures built to hold soil and support plants vertically. A vibrant, impressive, and eco-friendly way to bring nature indoors. So what can a green wall do for your business?

Fresh Air in the Office

Used indoors, green walls serve to provide cleaner air. Plants naturally cleanse the air around them of carbon dioxide but also have proven to filter out pollutants as well. They do this through microscopic holes in their leaves and bringing microorganisms into your environment that break down pollutants. Definitely necessary for urban cities, like Philadelphia.

Clear Thinking

There's a reason you're going for the window seat -- all of us want to be closer to nature. Unfortunately, working an indoor job in a big city makes that difficult for so many people. By creating greener working spaces, you create happier employees that don't have to wait for the weekend to experience nature. Happier employees means increased creativity, productivity, and improved customer service. 

Added Value

As big cities become continually denser, designers search for ways to keep things green. Not just for the health benefits, but as an upsell! Restaurants, bars, salons & spas, waiting rooms, and hotels are all excellent candidates to significantly improve the experience of their customers. Who doesn't want their room to have a view of the green wall in the courtyard? As a business owner, you're not only offering your customers a pleasant view, you're showing your commitment to the environment. 

These are by no means the only benefits of installing a green wall. An exterior green wall offers benefits like reducing noise, absorbing excess rainwater, and temperature regulation. But getting it started is by no means a small feat. Maintaining a green wall means choosing plants that are going to be happy there, making sure the soil stays in the wall, and ensuring proper drainage systems are in place. Our friendly team at Hoffman Design Group knows exactly how to get your Green Wall started.